Community Groups and Bible Studies

Fall Sunday Classes

Sunday Classes Meet at 9:00 on Sunday Mornings. They are RSVP. Children's studies are offered provided that parents indicate they will be bringing children when they RSVP.

This study is intended for the Men of our church and is intended to be a roundtable discussion and study on biblical manhood. They will begin by setting up chairs in the sanctuary, followed by breakfast and accountability.

Led By: Nathan Ayers

Start Date: 8/11

End Date: 9/29

Max Members: 12


This study dives head first into the world of apologetics. If you’ve ever been interested in or doubtful of the scientific legitimacy of the faith, then this is the class for you.

Led By: Scott Bonham

Start Date: 9/8*

End Date: 9/29

This is a parenting study focused on practicing the story of God in everyday family rhythms.

Led By: Megan Case

Start Date: 8/18

End Date: 9/29

Max Members: 20


This study is intended as deep dive into the story of the prodigal son. If you are interested in the nuances of this teaching of Jesus then this class is for you.

Led By: Todd Tarbet

Start Date: 10/6

End Date: 10/27

Max Members: 12





Community Groups

Small Groups are designed to immerse its participants in the culture of the way of Jesus.

Groups maintain a rhythm of weekly meetings, typically in the home of people within the group. The meetings typically center around a casual family style meal, an devote their time to incorporating the rhythms of Jesus in a way that feels organic and practical to life outside of the group. 

Circle Up

If you're unsure how best to get connected to the BGCC community, then Circle Up is your first step! We host Circle Up the first Sunday of the month and Circle Out on the second Sunday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Here, you'll learn more about our culture, meet other new people, and have fun. The first Sunday, Circle Up, focuses on how to connect in community, and the second, Circle Out, helps you connect in serving. You can start in either week. Just let us know you're coming! Childcare can be available if needed.


MomCo is a way to gather moms of kids all the way up to sixth grade so that they can learn, grow, and support each other through the experiences of motherhood. A MomCo meeting includes inspirational and practical teaching through speakers and videos. We also usually try to fit in a craft or a fun activity at each meeting. Plus, there’s always dinner…dinner you didn’t make! But most importantly, at MomCo you’ll get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.

If you need to bring your kids with you, we have childcare available. At KidCo, we provide pizza and entertainment for the kids! They will participate in a fun lesson, activities, and play time, and our older kids get to play in the gym!

Who can come?

Here at MomCo, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. If you are a foster mom, an adoptive mom, an expecting mom, or any mom with kids up to 6th grade, we have a place for you! If you would like to visit and see what it’s all about, please reach out and/or stop by our next meeting!

When is it?

MomCo meets every 4th Wednesday of the month during the school year from 6:00-8:00 p.m. We also have frequent playdates when the weather is nice. You can stay updated on all of our events on our Facebook page!

Young Adult Group

The Young Adult Ministry at Bowling Green Christian Church is a vibrant community embracing individuals at various life stages, including college students, professionals, singles, and married couples. Together we cultivate an environment of community, authenticity, and spiritual exploration. Regardless of where you find yourself on your faith journey or what experiences shape your story, we believe that God has a purpose for you here.

Our primary goals include nurturing your spiritual growth, empowering you to assume leadership roles within the church, and facilitating connections with the broader church family and seasoned believers for mentorship opportunities. Our ultimate aim is to support you in deepening your relationship with Christ and actively participating in His work within the church and beyond.

Our ministry provides a space where you can develop meaningful relationships, grow spiritually, and discern God’s plan for your life. We gather every Monday at BGCC from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. There is food and Biblical lessons led by dedicated leaders from our church community every week.